Kim L Offner
Kim Offner is Project Manager for the National Palliative Care in Prisons Project. This three year Commonwealth funded project is a national co-design and capacity building initiative to strengthen access to best evidence based care for people with palliative care needs in Australian prisons. The University of Technology Sydney/IMPACCT has formed a collaboration with correctional/justice health services in each State and Territory to undertake the project and develop evidence-based resources to enable provision of quality palliative care.
As a Registered Nurse and clinical educator, Kim has worked in palliative care across both acute hospital and community settings. Her 30 years of experience has included roles in health management, education and training, clinical consultancy and research in both Australia and the UK. Kim has a Master of Public Health as well as post graduate qualifications in health education and critical care nursing.
Kim is committed to improving access to and awareness of, end of life resources and information. She is experienced in developing education resources and adapting models of palliative care to support the knowledge and skills of those providing end of life care across a variety of settings
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